Google offers 1TB free cloud storage as lure for more Maps reviews


Google is offering users up to 1TB of free Drive storage as an incentive to garner more reviews on its mapping service.

The lure comes in the form of a update to its Local Guides program, which now rewards reviewers on a points scale. Reviewers can offer their take on cafes, restaurants and various other businesses in their area, which are then linked to the respective places on Google Maps.

The Local guides revamp now includes a five tier system which depends on how thorough the review is, so if you add pictures in addition to your take, it’s worth more points. Those who add new locations or fix outdated info can also earn points.

The prize that might is most attractive on the points scale is those that manage to earn over 200 points, thus reaching level 4, which entitles them to a 1TB upgrade to their Google Drive storage account. This would usually cost $9.99 a month, so to those with plenty of time on their hands, could be worth the 40 location reviews required to reach that level.

Guides that put in enough time to reach level 5 after accumulating 500 or more points gain a ‘Google insider’ status and will get to test new products before they’re released to the public.

Here’s how the point scale looks:

Level 1 (0-4 points): You can enter contests for free Google stuff.

Level 2 (5-49 points): Early access to new Google product features

Level 3 (50-199 points): Get a ‘Local Guides’ badge in Google Maps

Level 4 (200-499 points): 1TB Google Drive storage

Level 5 (500 points or more): You can apply to go to an annual Google Local Guides event.

Google hopes that this new tier points system will encourage Local Guides users to make more frequent contributions.

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